Meet Ashley
Ashley Ruíz
Ministry Coordinator
I am a Miami native of Puerto Rican and Cuban descent with strong New York roots. I am fluent in Spanglish. In my early adolescent years, I was introduced to the deep South when my family made the bold decision to trade in the vibrant South Florida life and move to Georgia. It was a difficult transition that contributed even further into an identity crisis I would shoulder well through my adult years. Raised in an in-home crisis culture, with little context of faith and a sprinkle of childhood tragedies produced the very best coping mechanisms – or so I believed. My inner little girl held onto the idea that if I could work harder, sparkle more, succeed louder then I would eventually find myself and experience God’s will for my life. I would just keep striving and look good doing it. Until I couldn’t. Faced with failure, inadequacy and exhaustion the truth of my insufficiency poured over one day when I tearfully whispered – I just can’t.
In that secret place where overwhelming shame and guilt would have moved in, rent free, I experienced Love Himself respond, “I never asked you to do anything Corazón (heart)”. That exchange shifted everything for me. The invitation to rest in the process of hard-heart-work led me to the doors of a local Exchanged Life ministry who tenderly and fiercely walked alongside me in the counseling journey. As I experienced vibrant healing in my relationship with Abba I began to experience and witness transformation in every other area of my life. His ‘welcome home’ is an invitation to live your abundant life - out loud - today and forevermore. And when Love Himself taps your shoulder for another dance – the response is always sí (yes)!
My husband and I live in a small town in Northeast Georgia with our precious two sons. We divide our time between homeschooling, counseling, mountain biking, thrifting, baking sourdough and kitchen dance parties while using our home to serve in the simple ministry of hospitality. I am a Grace Ministries EDC graduate and currently attend Luther Rice College & Seminary working towards a Master’s degree in Biblical Counseling (MABC).