International Partners
Our efforts overseas are primarily focused on training and leadership development among national pastors and leaders. In addition, we facilitate mission agencies through individualized discipleship, and staff development seminars. All of these activities have the goal of making disciples and training disciple makers. Our heart is to train and equip the national leaders so that they can more effectively reach their nation with the message of grace.
Over the last twenty years Grace Ministries International has trained individuals from around the world, in more than 20 countries on 6 continents. Some have come to our headquarters in Atlanta while for others Grace Ministries International has gone to them. Grace Ministries International has developed a Mobile Internship, which offers a 4-2 week, intensive internship experience. Each one is tailored to the unique culture, schedule and needs of the particular host country. The program is particularly useful in developing countries where the people do not have the resources to come to Atlanta for training. Full-time staff from the Atlanta office and other partner offices, along with resident international staff conducts the training program. Over the last ten years Grace Ministries International has established or helped establish outreaches in Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, England, Romania, Middle East, Colombia and Brazil.
Charis Zoe Ministries
Ghana, West Africa
Contact: Atamudzi Ecalvary
We exist to take the grace life experience to our neighbors in Oyarifa and around the world, by sharing the finished work and victorious life of Jesus Christ with loving care and compassion.
• Make disciples
• Reach the unreached towns and villages
• Plant churches
• Provide Christ centered education
• Provide community health care
Hope of Croatia
Contact: Vlado Hoblaj
HOPE FOR LIFE began as the Christian counseling and ministry organization in Croatia established to help people with personal, family, and social struggles by introducing them to the indwelling victorious life of Jesus; and train them to do the same by using the effective Christ-centered counseling program designed in partnership with the Grace Ministries Int. from Atlanta, GA. Since its beginning in 2000, the ministry and organization expanded its work and influence to many more Christian ministry branches like evangelization, publishing, Christian theatre, working with veterans and disabled, and especially helping orphans by promoting Christian fostering. As it expanded, it also changed the name to HOPE FOR CROATIA ministries.
Bible Institute for Transformational Leadership
Contact: Gerd Bergmann
Our calling: Revealing Christ crucified to leaders.
Between 2004-2020 we have lived and worked in Chile / South America.
In all these years we have founded and developed the Bible Institute for Transformational Leadership. Our ministry focus is the revelation of the person of our Lord Jesus Christ and His work on the cross with an application in the development of leadership and ministry.
Our target group are pastors and young leaders. We reach them through our own online courses, written materials and personal discipleship.
Since March 2020 we have moved our Ministry Headquarter back to our hometown (Espelkamp) in Germany. Currently we are establishing the Institute in Europe and Africa whilst continuing to reach out into South America.
For that purpose we are translating our material into German, English and Portuguese.
True Life Foundation
Gabrovo, Bulgaria
Contact: Petar Kirchev
Our mission is to communicate and teach the Life of Christ and His Grace among the people in Bulgaria.
Emotional Evangelism
Contact: Eliza Schultinge
I teach what I call “Emotional Evangelism” to Chinese communities. It moves people from immaturity to maturity in Christ. Many outsiders become followers of Jesus in this process. As their lives are transformed they build their own disciple-making communities and move from entitlement to suffering well, which in the Chinese context, is often a result of following Jesus.
Exchanged Life Ministry
Ministerio Intercambio de Vida
We are an interdenominational Christian ministry that serves in Colombia. Our team is made up of 17 people with talents and gifts placed at the service of others.
Our Mission: We equip members of the body of Christ to experience and communicate the enabling presence of Christ living in us as Life.
Our Vision: We proclaim Christ as Life, so that the children of God discover their true identity in Him, leading them to experience freedom and transformation, impacting the Spanish-speaking church so that the knowledge of the Glory of God fills the earth.
Care and Grace
Contact: Kameliya Slavcheva
Care and Grace Foundation in Bilgariq opened Logos Center for Christian Counseling for Spiritual and Personal Development
We offer personal and family counseling, trainings, support and mutual aid groups, counseling of teenagers and parents. We have extensive experience in organizing courses, trainings, and seminars.
We are a team of theologians, psychologists, logo-therapists, psychologist-consultants. We went through the Encounter program and counseling in GMI.
We help people who want:
To experience victory in the situation you are in.
Get rid of some loads that you have been carrying for a long time.
To find new inspiration and strength for the future.
To discover their significance, as well as the meaning and purpose of life.
To make their dreams and revelations come true, even though they are not sure where to start.
The changes they will experience through this program are the result of an inspiring, creative and restorative process.
Life-changing sessions bring the opportunity to transfer dreams for the future into the present.
When the present changes, so does the future.
They choose to dedicate themselves and their time to discover their worth, gift and destiny.
The good thing is that we can get good out of pain and crises. In change we discover new opportunities. We learn to bear pain with dignity.
We create a confidential and safe environment in which people can safely share their thoughts, feelings, problems, without being judged, but to be understood and supported. Not to be alone, but to go together to the answers to the tasks that life sets.
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